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Super Early Bird-erbjudande på 10-dagars SFX Silicone Mask Making Workshop

Super Early Bird offer on 10-day SFX Silicone Mask Making Workshop

We're opening up Helsinglight SFX Makeup Academy this summer and launching our first 10-day Silicone Mask Making Workshop to be held at our "castle" 5-15th of July!

We would love to share the adventures of Helsinglight with you this summer and we're offering a Super Early Bird discount to our 10-day SFX Workshop if you book your spot before the 22nd of April! We welcome you to a creative adventure with us at Helsinglight.

Super Early Bird Offer - 10 day Silicone Mask Making Workshop 5-15th July 2018


Sign up for a 10-day Silicone mask making workshop with SFX Makeup Artist Petra Shara Stoor at Helsinglight SFX Makeup Academy, Sweden. Learn the art of designing, sculpting, mold making, silicone casting, airbrushing!


  • Design your makeup & character
  • Theory about different tools and materials
  • Sculpting techniques
  • Work with Chavant plasteline, WED-clay, marble stone plaster, EcoFlex silicones, Psycho Paint silicone colors, Iwata airbrush.
  • Molding techniques (2-part mold)
  • Silicone casting techniques, measuring & mixing
  • Patchwork and seaming of silicone mask
  • Airbrush and hand-painting of silicone mask
  • Finishing mask & concept design
  • Professional photo shoot of your character in a creative environment with costume, FX-lenses, props etc.


  • Day 1 - Thursday: Intro, design, sketching and adding base of clay to your sculpture.
  • Day 2 - Friday: Sculpting - rough design.
  • Day 3 - Saturday: Sculpting, smoothing out the rough design and start of detail work
  • Day 4 - Sunday: Sculpting final details, seal & release sculpture. Building dry wall
  • Day 5 - Monday: Building of clay wall, keys and molding side A
  • Day 6 - Tuesday: Building of clay wall, pry-marks and molding of side B
  • Day 7 - Wednesday: DAY OFF!
  • Day 8 - Thursday: De-molding, cleaning mold and preparing for silicone casting.
  • Day 9 - Friday: Silicone Casting - measuring, mixing and colouring silicone, brush on into mold. De-molding, cleaning up silicone mask, seaming and patchwork. Preparing mask for airbrush.
  • Day 10 - Saturday: Airbrushing your silicone mask using silicone colors!
  • Day 11 - Sunday: Professional photoshoot of your final design and character.

If you have got any questions regarding our workshops or would like advise on travelling, accommodation etc, don't hesitate to contact us at

// Petra Shara Stoor

Helsinglight SFX Makeup Academy
Vattlång, Sweden

Previous article Helsinglight AAiR - Thoughts and Reflections by Myrkky Photography

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